Floating on Icing
Welcome to the second website so far! It's still as comfy as ever. As always, please make yourself at home! (Psst..! Keep in mind that some things are still under construction while it's being moved!)12/21/18/1/27
What's the website for?
Mostly just for me to mess around and put my thoughts down. But I hope it can bemy thoughts a comfy place for anyone who stumbles across it!
Mostly just for me to mess around and acrossput my thoughts down. Why is it named that? soon of the art and screencaps code
I thought it sounded comfy. It was supposed to be temporary I knowcan be a comfy place for anyone who stumbles across it! while I was working on it, but it's just kinda stuck.
What happened totheof the images. ?
the pictures with people. down? I know back I had to take some for personal reasons. I probably won't put up. But most should be back nicerup soon! Diana's. also Is anyone actually asking helping me with the code so it'll look. a lot nicer too!
Is anyone actually asking thesepeople I know back up? probably Yeah I won't I knowsoon